Thursday, June 18, 2009

Loan Modification is the answer to todays Mortgage Crisis - Tampa, Florida

All of us in Tampa, Florida have either been or will soon be, affected by the current Mortgage crisis. Some of our businesses are suffering losses or failing, many people have lost their jobs, others did not get the pay raise that they were expecting or a promotion that they should have received. To make matters worse, countless American families, every day are also experiencing an increase in their monthly payments because of their adjustable rate mortgage(s). In an alarming number of cases, these families have been unable to refinance their homes due to falling real estate prices. Unfortunately due to the enormous number of sub-prime loans that were originated between 2002 and 2006. Millions of Americans are enduring or will soon be forced to endure foreclosure. Many homeowners only option is to face foreclosure or attempt their own Loan modification. Loan modification is hailed by Experts as the answer to the current mortgage crisis that is causing so many homeowners to lose the family residence to foreclosure. Not only does this procedure permit the homeowner to stay in their home, protect their credit from the adverse effects of a foreclosure, but it also allows homeowners the opportunity to greatly lower their monthly payments. In short, a loan modification is a means of avoiding foreclosure for homeowners who are upside down in their mortgage loans and therefore do not qualify for a simple refinance loan. The Home Loan Crisis Center, located in Tamp, Florida performs loan modifications, assisting homeowners in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure to traverse the maze of red tape, gather the needed documentation for a successful loan modification, provide expert negotiations on behalf of the homeowner and if necessary perform a Forensic Mortgage Analysis to detect inconsistencies and or violations with respect to RESPA and TILA guidelines created to prevent / shield homeowners from Predatory Lending Practices, Toxic Loans, Out of control ARM mortgages and Interest Only mortgages. The advantage of having such assistance is obvious: since for many homeowners the loan modification process is a last ditch effort at saving a home that might otherwise fall victim to foreclosure. It should be noted that great care must be taken to negotiate the best terms possible that will be advantageous for the borrower as well as permissible by lender guidelines. It is interesting to note that consumers contacting their lenders directly in an effort to negotiate a loan modification almost always fail to receive the best terms possible. Homeowners showing the highest success rates are those who work with Loan Modification Experts well versed with RESPA and TILA guidelines. Those in need of such assistance must exercise great care when selecting the right company. In addition the foregoing, homeowners must be aware that the governmentally stipulated homeowner relief packet that provides one or more month(s) hold on foreclosures is not the same as a loan modification plan but instead it simply offers a window of time that the wise homeowner will utilize to actively pursue a loan modification. It is crucial to get the loan modification process started as soon as possible to turn your financial hardship around. Home Loan Crisis Center, LLC. Offers a Free Consultation to help homeowners determine the best course of action and never charges any upfront fees. In fact, we do not charge anything until our services have been successfully completed.

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